Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Canseco says he is having a breakdown

Jose Canseco* abruptly cancelled his appearance last night on CNN's Larry King Live.

"We received word from Jose Canseco, the former baseball star, saying. "I am having a breakdown. I can't emotionally do it. I am emotionally drained. I am tired of defending myself," King said at the top of the show.

Of course, Canseco was scheduled to talk about Mark McGwire's recent steroid "confession".

First McGwire breaks down and now Canseco?

Man, these steroid guys and their emotions.

You know, I can see Dr. Drew Pinsky setting up a side business specializing in treating these steroid guys. I do think there is a demand for it.

You think I'm joking?!

*Sometimes the artwork on those Diamond Kings was "right on" but sometimes.....


Unknown said...

Freaking Canseco needs to just stay broken...away...somewhere.

And I'm tired of the Big Mac sorry tour. Shutup already.

There is so much other stuff going on in baseball than two cheating has-beens.

Contrary Guy said...

Agree 100% on the last point but it is a guilty pleasure to poke a stick at these two.

night owl said...

If by "sometimes" you mean "12 percent of the time," then I agree.

Contrary Guy said...

There were some classics no doubt.

The Aurelio Rodriguez batboy card had a closer likeness than some.

P.S. Computer Boy walked by hours ago with the site up and without reading the post only said "that card doesn't look right". LOL