Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dice-K, come again?!

The Boston Globe reports that Daisuke Matsuzaka told the Japanese magazine "Friday" that he sustained a leg injury while training for the WBC that he kept hidden from the Red Sox and this injury caused him to alter his mechanics which led to a shoulder injury, an extended trip to the disabled list and ultimately a miserable season last year.

"Early on in January 2009, I hurt my right inner thigh. I consider movement around my hip joint a crucial part of my pitching motion. It happened during my exercise to strengthen my hip joint that I incorporated into training since 2008. I may have pushed myself just a little too hard. It wasn't the pain that killed me, but it was the regrets and guilt that filled my mind. It was the time to start building up for the season, but I hurt myself because of my own doing."

As to whether he told the Red Sox about this or whether their trainers noticed.

"I didn't let them. I didn't want to be the center of concern for people. I didn't tell the trainers. Fortunately, I was in charge of my own training, so if it started to hurt, I could adjust to not hurt myself. But pitching while hiding the injury was very difficult. Even when I didn't feel the pain, my body was holding back because it sensed the danger. So my pitching motion was more of standing straight up and throwing with my upper body, relying on my shoulder strength more than usual."

Dice-K didn't want to be the center of concern/attention?

One thing I think he needs to realize is that when the Red Sox spent $103 million to bring him over here (of which $51 million was non-refundable fee to his old club simply for the right to negotiate with him), that means he is always going to be the center of attention in Boston.

Further, I am sure hoping that the Red Sox did not just hear about this now in some Japanese magazine. Doesn't $103 million at least give you like an exclusive right of communication with your employee? You know, like a prime sponsor or something?

I wonder if the Red Sox get any type of apology here. They never missed a paycheck that I am aware of.

At this point, I probably wouldn't blame Theo Epstein if he pulled that gorilla suit off the rack again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dice K better watch out if he's planning on eating any blowfish this year. It might just have a little of the special sauce still in it.

BoSox fans are crazy. He should've just kept his mouth shut.