Wednesday, January 13, 2010

GM to Tiger: "No more Escalades for you"

General Motors says no more free Escalades for Tiger Woods. These fine corporate folks say it is only because their contract with Tiger just so happened to expire on December 31st and they coincidentally are just not going to renew it.

No other reason, really. The contract just expired.

It is not because the most famous picture of an Escalade just happens to be one with a busted in front-end and miscellaneous golf club damage to it.

It's not that, silly.

The contract is up. It has an expiration date, you know.

Stop with the conspiracy theories, ok?

I bet you think Lee Harvey Oswald had a sponsor, don't you?


Mark Aubrey said...

I hear that KIA is looking for a spokesman.

Contrary Guy said...

And then when they say that he is too toxic, he keeps going down the ladder.

Is Opel still around?