Saturday, January 9, 2010

He might have to play for yen then

La Velle Neal of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that Jarrod Washburn, through his agent, Scott Boras has rejected a one year, $5 million dollar offer from the Twins.

Let's get this straight.

Jarrod Washburn turned down a $5 million offer?!

From a major league team?!

Guaranteed employment?!

My lord!

Twins, stick to your guns. You have nothing to lose here.

If he doesn't come to his senses and sign, all the better. You will have a chance to win every fifth day and you won't be running your outfielders ragged all around the field on those days. Think about team morale.

The guy turned down a $5 million offer!

Twins, go sign someone else or give someone in AAA a shot and consider this a bullet dodged.

Jarrod Washburn turned down a $5 million offer from a major league team!


Anonymous said...

I don't see anybody else offering more for Jarrod Washburn, but you never know.

If I were a ballplayer, I don't think I'd want Scott Boras as my agent.

Contrary Guy said...


I suspect that Boras will shop him around and then eventually come back to the Twins with his tail between his legs and take the $5 million and declare victory.

I am not sure why the Twins want Washburn at all.
