Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's not that hard to figure out

Joe Torre told the Los Angeles Times that Manny Ramirez "wasn't himself" when he returned from his 50 game drug suspension last season.

"To me, he was very uncomfortable, trying to recapture what he had. In the clubhouse, he was the same guy. We want that balanced hitter and relaxed guy," Torre said.

Um, helloooo, Joe?!

There was one key ingredient gone from Manny after his drug suspension.

He might never be "himself" again with this blasted random drug testing thing.

No sense twisting yourself into knots "trying to figure out" this great mystery.

Come on there, Joe!

People aren't stupid. Just say nothing or that you hope he picks it up this year.

1 comment:

Field of Cards said...

lol, yeah.

That's so funny.

Where's Rod Serling when you need him?