Monday, January 11, 2010

Not a hockey blog I know but...

We note that Chris Chelios now of the Chicago Wolves got a DUI after being pulled over by Westmont, Illinois police on December 28th.

Ok, no excuse (that I am aware of anyway) for that knuckle-headish behavior but that in itself is not really the subject of this post.

We further note that the Hockey News reported that in the January 6th* game that the Wolves lost to the Hamilton Bulldogs, Mr. Chelios was apparently quite unhappy with the officiating so much so that this is what he is quoted as saying in the locker room after the game about a controversial tripping call against him:

"It was bad luck. Maybe (the ref) was at a bad angle - or hung over."

What the.....?

*Look, I know this is somewhat dated but we are not a hockey site. Ok?


TJ said...

Maybe they were drinking together.

Contrary Guy said...

If they are drinking buddies, he's not calling a controversial trip on Chelios.

No more free drinks then.

TheRealDFG said...

He is Chris freakin Chelios. Why does this surprise anyone?