Friday, July 23, 2010

Don Drysdale

Born on today's date, Don Drysdale.

"I hate all hitters. I start a game mad and I stay that way until it's over."

"For every Dodger they (Giants pitchers) knock down, I'll knock down two of theirs - and they won't be .220 hitters either."

"The trick against Drysdale is to hit him before he hits you." - Orlando Cepeda

"I hated to bat against Drysdale. After he hit you he'd come around, look at the bruise on your arm and say "Do you want me to sign it?" - Mickey Mantle

"Don Drysdale would consider an intentional walk a waste of three pitches. If he wants to put you on base, he can hit you with one pitch." - Mike Shannon

"I liked this guy." - Core Contrarian


Matthew Glidden said...

HA! Nice collection of quotes and Mike Shannon speaks the truth.

John Bateman said...

And he was married to Ann Myers who was about 20 years his junior - smart guy

night owl said...

Absolutely love the quotes and of course I was a fan of Don.

It drives me nuts when I watch games and announcers are talking about how a pitcher needs "to learn to pitch inside" or "won't pitch inside." And they mention it all the time. You're not going to succeed in pitching if you're skittish.

Contrary Guy said...

Night Owl, I agree 100%.

Probable Hall of Famer, Tom Glavine would probably disagree though. He lived on the outside corner.