Saturday, August 7, 2010

Life ain't a bowl of cherries, you know!

"When I get ticked off, I let it out. I am not even thinking about it. I am not going to worry about a newspaper or talk show to talk about it."

"I am going to be positive. I am not going to be negative. They don't need that. You can talk about it on talk shows. You can yell and tip over tables, but that is not what this team needs."

"I don't think you change to pacify some public that says it is time for a change. If you feel in your heart that a coach or the manager is the problem, then you change. But if you want to change because some talk show called in, I don't believe in that."

Oh my!

Somebody sure is listening to the radio a lot!

You know, Leyland frequently and proudly boasts that he has never used a computer and wouldn't even know how to turn one on.

Actually that is probably a good thing and I just don't think he would like that "freedom of speech" thing that is going on on the internet.

He just wouldn't.

P.S. 10-1 tonight. Don't ask if they won.

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