Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Yankees price for Cliff Lee just went up


From Bob Nightengale of USA TODAY:

"Perhaps the Rangers' greatest sales pitch simply was having Kristen (Lee's wife) sit in the visiting family section at Yankees Stadium during the playoffs. She says there were ugly taunts. Obscenities. Cups of beer thrown. Even fans spitting from the section above.

'The fans did not do good things in my heart,' Kristen says.

'When people are staring at you, and saying horrible things, it's hard not to take it personal.'"

Shoulda been nice, people!

Now Cashman is going to have to open up that secondary vault!


night owl said...

Yankees fans think the phrase "you attract more bees with honey" is "you attract more bees with money."

Stay classy, N.Y.

Charles @ Hoopography said...

As a Yankee fan myself, I am disappointed in hearing this. Not because "…the price just went up", but because that's no way to treat anyone regardless of team allegiance. I hope he stays in Texas. The Rangers beat the Yanks far and square in that mid-season trade battle, the ALCS and apparently class.

Al Penwasser said...

I'm a Yankees fan, too. But, I hope Cliff Lee says, "Up yours." to Cashman. Idiot drunks.