Friday, February 11, 2011

An African-American President?

A free and democratic Egypt?

Your move, Cubs.


that guy said...


as a lions fan, i could easily sub them in for the cubs...

mebbe not for lenght of futilty, but mass of futility!

Bruce Johnson JADIP
Evil Twin
stupid stuff I see and hear
The Dreamodeling Guy
The Guy Book
The Guy Book

Contrary Guy said...


No doubt.

The difference is that most people in Detroit really don't care about the Lions (the stands are 1/4 full for some games) where I get the sense that the Cubs still have an enthusiastic fan base.


that guy said...

true dat...

oh and BTW that post was swcrieet!

saying so much in so little is an art form...

that guy said...

i meant saaawweeeeet, but my fingers are rebelling!

Anonymous said...

Well, let's just see what happens in Egypt at the end of the day. It could turn into 2003 all over again, when Dusty made sure Prior and Wood were crippled for life and some idiot shortstop booted a double play ball....

Contrary Guy said...


Just checked out your site. Definitely approve!

You do have the longest blogroll I have ever seen. If it gets any longer, it is going to pierce the Earth's mantle.

Contrary Guy said...


A jaded Cubs fan?

Yeah, there are a few of those.
