Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A.J. Burnett

"I'm a force out there. Guys (opposing hitters) don't want to face me." - A.J. Burnett, February 15, 2011


Then why do the other "guys" eagerly check the lineup card on the days he pitches?

It's been a few years since I have been in a classroom but I think Freud called this "delusional thinking".


Al Penwasser said...

Went to the stadium last August when the Yankees played the Red Sox.
Found out A.J. Burnett was supposed to pitch: "GROAN!"
In line, found out that Shane Moseley was going to pitch instead: "Who the hell is that?" followed by a hopeful, "Well, at least it ain't Burnett."
Yankees beat Beckett. They ended up splitting the four game series.
I hope I'm wrong, but I think AJ will be a train wreck this year.

Contrary Guy said...

I could be wrong but this seems to have a "Kevin Brown with the Tankees" feel to it.

Al Penwasser said...

Aw, crap! I said "Shane" Moseley. I meant "Dustin" Moseley. Off my meds AGAIN!
Kevin Brown, Carl Pavano, Javier Vasquez......
Like I said, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.