Monday, February 14, 2011

Oliver Perez "locked out"

David Lennon of Newsday reports that Oliver Perez attempted to report to Spring Training early at the Mets facility in St. Lucie yesterday but when he walked up to the clubhouse door, he found out it was locked. Pitchers and catchers are scheduled to report Tuesday.

Of course considering that this is Ollie, you just KNOW there is more to the story here.

I bet if Ollie thought to look behind those quickly drawn curtains, he would have seen some movement in there.

Those cars in the parking lot?

They didn't get there by themselves!

Considering his disaster of a season last year, it probably did make sense for him to just leave and come back Tuesday when they are "open".

Now if they wont let him in then....


(...Joe) said...

It's, for the better...

The Big Kahuna said...

I'm hoping he decides to hop into a barrel and float to texas or somewhere else to play ball.