Sunday, June 5, 2011


On this date in 1989 the SkyDome, now Rogers Centre, opened.

Ever been there?


How to describe it?


Let's put it this way. The Toronto Concrete Workers Union worships it like a deity.

It also really can't burn so it's not on any terrorists' lists.

It's not all negative.


Nathan said...

I've been going to the Dome all my life to watch baseball games. The first MLB games I ever saw were at the SkyDome when I was 8 years old...and it was always a massive thrill for me to walk into the 500 level and see that bright field.

I guess it's like Bob Costas says in Ken Burns' baseball "it's more beautiful in an old park that's asymmetrical and quirky...but even in a dome with artificial turf it's beautiful"

Contrary Guy said...

My oldest boy saw his first baseball game at the SkyDome.

I am not a "ballpark snob". Set up a diamond and put some seats in and I will go.