Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bryan Stow

NBC Sports has an article on their website regarding some encouraging progress made by Bryan Stow, the Giants fan who was beaten into a coma by people at Dodger Stadium on Opening Day. The long and short of it is that the still-hospitalized Stow is making some progress and is now responding to some simple commands. Obviously, he has a long way to go but obviously this is a glimmer of good news.

I would link to the article but frankly the details of it are not really the point of my post here.

Anyway, NBS Sports site reader "halladaybiceps" posts the following in response to the story:

"This is great news! I just hope, like Congresswoman Giffords, that he progresses further and can become whole again. God bless!"

I note that 144 fellow readers gave the comment a "thumbs up".

Four readers gave the comment a "THUMBS DOWN"!

Gotta love people!

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