Friday, June 5, 2009

Ozzie does not appear to like Gordon Beckham

Long awaited Chicago White Sox top prospect, Gordon Beckham arrived last night in Chicago for his first game against the A's and was promptly greeted with a standing ovation from the home crowd before his first at bat.

If only his manager was so impressed.

The following are some before and after the game quotes from Ozzie Guillen on Beckham as reported by the Associated Press and the Chicago Tribune:

Mockingly referred to him as "The Savior".

In response to a reporter's questions as to how he looked, "Really bad. He struck out, what am I going to say? He was good?"

"He's very cocky."

"I'm not going to sit down here ever day and answer questions about Beckham."

"He's just another player."

Now maybe some of this was taken out of context. Further, I have heard that newspaper reporters find it challenging translating "Ozzie talk" into quotes for the paper because every other word is a curse word and once you take those out, there are not enough nouns and verbs left to form an intelligible sentence. None the less, apparently Ozzie said these things in some kind of context.

What to make of this other than just "Ozzie being Ozzie."

Hmmm. I will give it my best shot. Here goes.

After contemplation, I think Ozzie does not like sharing the spotlight in his own clubhouse and he sees Beckham as a threat. I think if I was Kenny Williams, I would simply tell him that Beckham is supposed to be pretty good and as much as he apparently does not want him around, he is stuck with him and he is just going to have to make the best of it.

Who knew making room on your team for a budding superstar would be so difficult?

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