I will tie this one into baseball, I promise.
Yesterday, we took the boys to an amusement park 3 hours down the road.* It's summer, you know.
It happened to be very warm yesterday and by necessity most people were wearing as little clothing as possible. Now if you were in Venice Beach, you might look around a bit but in Average Town, U.S.A., not so much.
Anyway, I try to stay up on things.** I really do but I had no idea that the whole world has tattoos. Like THE WHOLE WORLD.
I thought only Josh Hamilton***, bikers, basketball players, Mike Tyson and middle age guys who did something they regretted 20 years ago in a drunken fog had these things. Boy was I wrong!
I must have been in a coma the last 5 years or so.
I missed the whole thing!
* Just once, try riding a roller coaster in a heavy rainstorm. It is like being in a wave pool.
** I remember the time when George Bush (the elder) well into his second term made a ceremonial visit to a grocery store and in all seriousness, cluelessly asked the clerk what a bar code scanner was.
*** This post is now baseball-related.
Just about every time we go to Wal Mart it seems like my wife and I are the only ones over 16 who don't have ink.
I have noticed the exact same thing when I go to amusement/water park rides.
The sad thing is, I'm not opposed to tattoos, it's just that it's one of those things that very few people can pull off and have it still look good. (There's a variety of reasons for this). However, everyone seems to think they're one of those very few people.
Eight or nine times out of 10, they're not.
I'll go with Night Owl on this one. But a definitive nine times out of ten.
The saddest group is composed of the lonely bridesmaids who are forced to wear unflattering spaghetti-strap dresses that show the poorly inked dragons curling over their shoulderblades.
Night Owl, agreed and yes, I am not much into them. I am not "against" them or anything but when one of my boys come home after playing in the mud, the first thing I tell him is to wash up and clean that stuff off.
Matt, bring a cell phone camera to Walmart, get busy and then post it on you tube. You will get a lot of hits.
Mark, excellent point on the bridesmaids and I forgot about that. Can't cover the ankles though and it is a mystery to me why this is a popular tattoo spot. Next time, I see my mother, I am going to ask to see her wedding album. I will shocked to see a tattoo on any of the bridesmaids. Knowing who they were, it is a ridiculous, comical thought.
I'm sleeved up, in fact I think I have more than enough tats to play in the NBA, if I wasn't 5'7". Most of my ink is old-at least 15 years, but I wasn't in a drunken haze back then. The world does look at you differently when you have that much ink and you aren't a silly teenager. It has cost me a few jobs and eliminated a few friendships...
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