Friday, September 11, 2009

Charlie Manuel read them the riot act

In the AP game story of the Phillies/Nationals game, it is noted that Phillies manager, Charlie Manuel needed to vent and he chewed out his team following the team being swept in a four game series against the Astros.

"The guys who've been on this team the last couple of years - they know exactly what they've got to do. We've got to have a little more get up and go to us."

A fly on the wall told me that Charlie Manuel said much more to his team than that. As a matter of fact, I understand that "Country Charlie" said the following (verbatim) to his team:

"Hey, guys, listen up right straight. I've been fixin to have a talk with y'all bout the way we been playin. Let me tell y'all, you guys out there look like sumpin the cat drug in from under the porch. Those other fellas are treatin y'all like a red-headed stepchild. I mean they been whippin us up and down every night with an ugly stick.

I will tell y'all right now that I am slam-ass fresh out of sympathy for y'all now. No more Mr. Nice Guy! Y'hear?

Some of y'all have been playin like you don't have a pot to piss in and I'll tell y'all that makes me madder than a wet hen. Now, I am just plain flummoxed as to why we are gettin our cottin-pickin asses handed to us every @#*!& night but it's gonna stop right cotton-pickin now! Y'all hear?

Look guys, I don't want to be overly cross with y'all but if y'all could win a few games, you sure could make some of our fans and our owner probly as happy as tick on a hound dog. Now let's git out there, meaner n' spit and git to it.

Y'all understand?"

Some did most did not but all knew that Charlie was pissed and things needed to change.

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