Sunday, November 8, 2009

It wasn't just confetti!

Per AP, that wasn't just confetti being thrown out of office windows in Manhattan during the Yankees "ticker-tape" parade Friday. It seems that files and documents were being tossed out the windows as well.

Auditor, Damien Salo who attended the parade said he found all sorts of personal financial documents being thrown from the skyscrapers along the parade route including pay stubs, banking data, law firm memos and some court files.

This is classic; using the parade as an excuse for some well fall cleaning. Just empty all the trash cans out the window. Why not? It beats shredding the stuff which of course is not free.

There probably were other motives too.

"Hey! You know those sensitive documents that would be so damaging if that client ever sued us?

Well, I see an open window and a "ticker-tape" parade going on outside.

Get busy!"

1 comment:

night owl said...

I think I'm going to make the dairy festival parade a ticker-tape parade when it goes by my office in June. I desperately need to clean off my desk.