Saturday, December 26, 2009

How dumb!

How dumb to try that on a plane to Detroit.

On any plane to the "D", you can bet that there will be plenty of people that will whip you up and down like no tomorrow.

Don't believe me?

Drive through the city and look around.

This ain't Columbus, Ohio or Springfield, Missouri.

These people might know Yemen but they obviously don't know anything about Detroit.

How dumb.*

*Look, don't get me wrong. I know terrorism is no laughing matter. We all agree on that but they picked the wrong city.


Mark Aubrey said...

Hear, hear!

Field of Cards said...

Try what? What happened?

Never assume your loyal readers are either educated or up to speed on what is happening in the world.

Don't make me learn on my own, please!

Contrary Guy said...

A fellow from across the pond, perhaps inspired by or a member of a terrorist group attempted to blow up a plane in flight from Amsterdam to Detroit by igniting some flammable liquid but was halted by passengers. He is now in custody in Detroit and has been or will be arraigned in Federal Court.

I would prefer that he be set loose in the city and face some street justice.


Letting him loose in the streets sounds like a good idea!!