In an article on Tim Lincecum's upcoming arbitration with the Giants, Henry Schulman of the San Francisco Chronicle reports the following bombshell:
His hair is 3 inches shorter. He said he cut it before last month's baseball writers' banquet in New York because "it looked unhealthy."
Hey, Tim! Didn't anybody ever tell you that hair is essentially "dead" tissue? Yea, it is. Regardless of what those shampoo advertisements may say, your hair is not "alive" or in any way a sign of health or.......well "unhealth" for that matter.
Looks are deceiving. Did you know that "dirty hair" curls easier and maintains a hold better than "clean hair"? Ask any hairdresser.
As far as health, hair is essentially neutral.
Now if Tim's "it looked unhealthy" comment is code language for, "It makes it look like I smoke reefer and I don't want people to think that," well then, yea, I understand. Got no problem with that. Do what you gotta do.
Well, we are all now going have to adjust our mental image of Lincecum from the picture above to that in the Etopps card just below ("Timmy").
It might take some adjustment but you can do it. You just need to reorient your thinking a little. Expand your mind.
Give it a try!
It beats yoga.
he had to cut it to get the pot stink out of it. But I still love him.
It's kind of like lice (and no I have no personal experience). Rather than try and get all those critters out with a special comb and treatments, just bite the bullet and shave your head; though you will probably need to do it yourself as a barber ain't touching that.
For what it is worth, I like Tim too.
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