Saturday, April 17, 2010

Want to buy a book? Didn't think so.

How did it even get this far?

Where is the market for it?

Paul Byrd?

Some publisher does not seem to understand the concept of "supply and demand".

Hey, put a hold on that Dante Bichette one, ok?

You will thank me for it.

You will.


the sewingmachineguy said...

If this Tigers nemesis had played more games in the Central, he would be a hall-of-famer.

Career record versus the Tigers, 10 - 2
ERA vs the Tigers 3.33
Batting Average against the Tigers .258 (his best versus any team)

Contrary Guy said...

I should know but I didn't. I fooled around with him periodically in fantasy leagues but I must have missed those Tiger starts.

dfwbuck2 said...

I own this book, it was given to me by my girlfriend for christmas...before I opened it, she is HEAVILY preachy, as Mr. Byrd is now a reborn christian

Contrary Guy said...

It will probably sell then as apparently it has a target audience that I was unaware of. Does Christianity approve of steroid use? I think I remember he got caught shortly before he retired.