Thursday, June 3, 2010

Carl Everett

Born today, Carl Everett.

"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve. The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs, You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Somebody actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex." So says Carl.

He also says fossils of dinosaur bones are man-made fakes.

He also has questioned the validity of the Apollo Moon Landing.

Getting the picture here?

To my knowledge, nobody has yet asked him about:

*The Kennedy assassination
*Crop circles
*Those ancient cave paintings in France
*The legality of the Federal Income Tax Code
*The meaning of the opening scene of "2001, A Space Odyssey"

I think Carl may still be playing for the Newark Bears. He was last year anyway.

I bet they are pretty free with press passes over there.

Who wants to?

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