Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Forbes magazine has an article on how Tim Lincecum's endorsement opportunities are ALLEGEDLY hampered because of his past* marijuana use

How naive!

Have they ever heard of High Times magazine?

Do they know how many head shops there are in San Francisco?

What about fast food (munchies!)?

All these businesses need to advertise!


*"Past marijuana use". He he.


Al Penwasser said...

Past or even present marijuana use... I'm no pothead, but who cares?

Contrary Guy said...

Though I think it is an undesirable and unproductive habit, I am with you.

Field of Cards said...

Ha ha. It's sad isn't it?

They are now saying that this is the first generation in America in which life expectancy is projected to decrease as a direct result of obesity and diabetes.

Many of the companies that sell products that contribute greatly to obesity (Coca Cola, McDonalds, etc), are also usually the first companies to champion morality by deeming Lincecum types immoral, unhealthy, and unsuitable for endorsements.

The propaganda machine of Corporate America is a powerful monster.

****I don't know that Coca Cola/McDonalds are part of this story - I just know their history in cases like this, and I'm sure many companies that rejected Lincecum fit the same bill in one way or another.****

Contrary Guy said...

I think the Puritan influence is at play here.

Jay said...

Huh.. ( Cough)...