Thursday, December 23, 2010

Replacement for Santo?

The Cubs are looking for Ron Santo's replacement in the radio booth and the Tribune Company's website has a posting for the job vacancy which reads in part, "Preferred candidate will have played with the Chicago Cubs".

Come on Chicago!

He used to be your everything!

Just tell him he can't bring that boom-box into the booth.

Don't let that "No English" thing before Congress stop you either. He has had several years since then to learn the language.

Be the bigger man here.


Anonymous said...

Of course, they won't go for someone who's witty and erudite like Doug Glanville.

What would be karma would be Brant Brown. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Justin McLeod said...

PLEASE, NO SOSA!!!! Glanville might be nice. But nobody can bring what Santo brought to the booth. However, Glanville works for ESPN, if I'm not mistaken.