Sunday, December 26, 2010

Well if nobody cares!

On this date in 1980, the Senior Professional Baseball Association plagued by poor attendance and financial problems folds in the middle of it's second season.

Not even the star power of George Foster could save them!


Collective Troll said...

I actually liked the senior league... It was great for autograph seekers at least... It was tough cuz you could see that guys still had skills, but you couldn't think "hey, with a little more polishing this guy could see the big leagues".

Contrary Guy said...

Good point. Never thought about the autograph factor.

I like oddball sets and over he years picked up a few packs. I have one of Anthony Davis, the old USC running back. I also have the Jim Nettles with the Billy Ripken-type bat barrel obscenity. Different word than Billy's though. A dealer once told me that the Nettles card is the only one in the bunch which has any value.