Sunday, July 31, 2011

At the Tiger game

Justin Verlander has a no-hitter going with two outs in the eighth inning.

To back up, the whole family is there and my wife and 9 year old Skater Boy are in another section with a Cub Scout group. 14 year old Computer Boy and I are in our season ticket seats.

I call up Skater Boy and ask him if he realizes he is watching a no-hitter in progress.


"Yes, really! Watch this game! Now! You can play with your Cub Scout friends any time. Watch this game now!"

Just in time for the hit.*

Hey, that's what dads are for.

*Before anybody blames me for jinxing the no-hitter by talking about it, our whole section was talking about it for like two innings before so all those people are all higher on the totem pole of blame than me! Will not accept responsibility.


the sewingmachineguy said...

What an awesome game you had! After Aybar, or whatever little scrub the Angel was that bunted, I thought for a second that Verlander was gonna dot someone. He's mature now.
That wild throw to first brought back bad '06 World Series visions too.
Why does Valverde scare me?
Bourne would've looked good in a Tiger jersey batting lead-off, since we don't have a lead-off guy...
Speaking of Don Kelly and his stupid throw home, didn't we trade for an everyday third sacker?

Contrary Guy said...

I don't have a problem with the bunt attempt though as a player I would not attempt to break up a no-hitter with a bunt. I don't know if it came across on the broadcast but he was booed heavily while standing on base.

We have been lucky to see mostly wins this year so have seen Valverde a lot. He rarely goes 1,2,3.

As far as the rundown, whatever happened to running the runner back to the base he came from. We drill this into our 9 year old little leaguers. Avila appeared to throw it back to Kelly way too early. (I wiil take Kelly over Inge though)

Contrary Guy said...

Just saw the replay and I think I am wrong on the rundown. If Avila waits any longer, the runner can get back to third. The rundown was botched (in little-league fashion) by others afterwards.