Friday, July 29, 2011

Hideki Irabu: 1969 - 2011

"The best thrower I had ever seen on days. He was the best pitcher I had ever seen in my life. For him to be such an also-ran and a bust here was very surprising." - Bobby Valentine



Al Penwasser said...

Kinda sad. No way he deserved to be called a "fat toad" by George Steinbrenner.
Himself no Slim Jim.
When he was alive.

Contrary Guy said...

It is very unfortunate that that quote was the first thing everybody thought of when his name was ever mentioned.

During the Steinbrenner lovefest a while back after he died, I remember thinking, "Yeah but..."

Al Penwasser said...

"Steinbrenner" and "but" the same sentence.
I'm a Yankees fan, yet...sometimes......