Friday, January 8, 2010

This sounds like child (well teenager) abuse!

Spencer Fordin of had a quirky little "Q & A" with Orioles groundskeeper* Nicole Sherry.

Here is one question and Nicole's answer:

Fordin: Do any special years of Christmas stand out in your memory? Did you get a pony when you were 12?

Sherry: My cool BMX bike was stolen one year and Santa brought me a 10-speed! Greatest gift ever! I never got a pony, but I got a Matchbox car the year I turned 16. My parents told me they had a huge gift for me, so I of course looked outside for the car. But instead they handed me the smallest box ever and said, "Don't forget to wear your seatbelt!"

What the......?

I bet that she never leaves tickets for them on game day.

Would you?

*A few years at Tiger Fest at Comerica Park, Computer Boy and I took the groundskeeper tour and Computer Boy was a bit excited. Frankly, it was a little underwhelming as all they did was show us some wheelbarrows and piles of different types of dirt in their storage area. We skipped that tour the next year.


Collective Troll said...

When my wife and I first started dating she wanted a sport bike pretty bad (she still does) and I wanted to hook her up, but after a little shopping I realized that we live in Florida and the blue hairs run over cyclists for sport so I got her a match box bike instead, it was safer... I am sure she wasn't thrilled, but she is still alive and walking so she really should be thanking me for that.

Contrary Guy said...


Bad karma with that.

Trust me.

Would you have done that to one of those roller derby girls?


Orioles Magic said...

Haha, my parents pulled that one on me too. I can laugh at it now, but initially wasn't very happy.

Contrary Guy said...

Like I said, child abuse.

Collective Troll said...

That was before She was a derby girl... I would be much more careful now...

alex said...

I feel bad for her.

Dad were never going on that tour again.