Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What The Hawk should say to the Cubs

In an almost "too strange to be true" story, the Cubs have advised Andre Dawson that they will retire his number only if he is inducted to the Hall of Fame as a Cub. If he is inducted as an Expo as is expected, then presumably his accomplishments as a Cub are not sufficient to merit retiring his number. Sorry.

You cant make this stuff up.

If I was Andre Dawson, this would be my response:

"I don't care if you retire my number or not.

Wanna know why?

I am in the Hall of Fame.

Read my lips: I. AM. IN. THE. HALL. OF. FAME.

Now go away. I work for the Marlins now by the way.

The Hawk"


Charley said...

I think it would show more class on the Cubs part to retire his #8 if he does enter the HOF as an Expo. Funny thing is is that it is ulimately the HOF's decision of what team he goes in as. Andre gets to express his preference, but he doesn't get the say all that ends all. I would retire his # based on the fact that he took whatever salary they were willing to give him in 1987 just to play for them and then turned in MVP season. Not to mention two additional 100 RBI seasons.


Contrary Guy said...


Cannot argue as to any of your points as I think they are all right on.

You are right. He did get caught up in the owners collusion back in the 80's and ended up having to sign with the Cubs for below market value and then rewarded them with an MVP year.

Good karma follows guys like that.


Anonymous said...

If the Cubs had not retired the uniform numbers of Greg Maddux and Ron Santo, I would not bash them for waiting to see if Dawson goes into the Hall as a Cub.

Since they did, it makes the way they are treating Dawson seem very shabby.