Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You can't get stuff past 90 year old Bob Feller. Don't even try.

Bob Feller* on the Mark McGwire situation per Jim Ingraham of the Willoughby (Ohio) News-Herald:

"I think he's still lying. He said he didn't take steroids to hit more home runs. He said he took them because he was injured. I want to know what doctor told him to do that? I know it's no doctor I would ever go to. He took steroids for one reason, and that was to hit more home runs."

"If he had just come out and said, 'I took steroids because I wanted to hit more home runs,' I'd buy that, and I'd accept his apology. "But to say that taking steroids had nothing to do with wanting to hit more home runs, that's just a (let's go with "darned", CC) lie."

I know that he is an old coot and all and he says outrageous things from time to time but maybe old coots are needed at times like this.

Props to the reporter who thought to call him.

*Everybody knows Bob Feller signs like crazy. Above is a rare unsigned card of Bob Feller. It never crossed Bob's path for some reason.


Carl Crawford Cards said...

Oh yes, porps to the old coot. AWESOME!

Field of Cards said...

Ha ha. One heck of a Feller. I can't believe he used the F-word though. I'm guessing that's what you censored. Just kidding.

The only one who seems oblivious about why McGwire used steroids is McGwire himself.

I don't like it when the guy who cites God as the reason for all his home runs is also the same guy that took God's design (the body) and drastically altered it with synthetic drugs. It is a position that does not sit well with me. It's hard to respect him.

McGwire took steroids to hit more home runs which in turn would earn him more money and respect.

McGwire hid his steroid use after retirement so that he would not be humiliated.

McGwire confessed his steroid use so that he could become a batting coach in the majors.

McGwire has always been doing everything strictly for himself.

Even in his Costas interview he couldn't help but say over and over that he was confessing for himself. Of course he was, it's par for the course.

Contrary Guy said...


It was the "D" word. The word is not offensive to me but at the same time, it is not in my vocabulary. I do know of minors that read this site so in the abundance of caution, I changed the word. I would think that the "F" word is probably in Feller's vocabulary though.

I like your analysis.

Frankly, I think his "confession" and the fallout from that has been very close to disastrous for him.

Why can't we ever get a confession without qualifications?

Instead we get:

*I wish I did not play in the steroid era. Poor me.

*I did not do it to improve my performance.

*It did not help me anyway.

I just saw a blurb where he had an short interview with an ESPN guy (I don't know all the guys there) and the interviewer asked him if he only took it for injuries, why did he take it in years when he was not injured. He stunbled badly with his response to say the least and eventually talked about how hard it is to play baseball.

I think he looks like an idiot right now.


Field of Cards said...

Yeah, I agree.

It was funny in the Costas interview. The subject of whether or not steroids might have actually caused some injuries to him came up.

McGwire said it was very possible. He said he got injured a lot right after starting regular steroid use "but I kept using them, for some reason." Or some quote very very similar to that. It was a slip of the tongue.

He then quickly realized how stupid that sounded considering he claimed earlier he was taking steroids for health reasons and followed up with something like "I think I just kept hoping if I kept doing what I was doing I'd feel normal."

Matt Runyon said...

Bob is right.