Thursday, August 5, 2010

Look on the bright side Tiger fans

Only 193 days until pitchers and catchers report!


Hackenbush said...

That tiger looks like he's more likely to eat the ball than hit it!

Contrary Guy said...

Actually it's a 1960's era design that is making a comeback at the ballpark. Yep the eyes are the key.

John Sharp said...

That's the great Tiger logo I grew up with. I wish the team would get back to that, and the old logo that was on Tiger stadium.

jacobmrley said...

or how 'bout "you could be mets fans..."

Contrary Guy said...


There is a street vendor outside the park who surreptitously sells shirts with the old Tiger Stadiun design.

I bought one from him for $5 last year. I have washed it probably 20 times and still good as new.


Contrary Guy said...


Francouer wasn't the savior?
