Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ryan Zimmerman signed a 5 year/$45 million contract before last year!

Oh, these guys are going to get along fabulously!

I think Carl Crawford is now worth "infinity".


NMCLax24 said...
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NMCLax24 said...

I don't understand why they aparently barely had the money to get strasburg but then all of a sudden they empty their piggy banks for this guy!! How did they think an unselfish player like Zimmerman is ever going to approve of a money grubbing client of Boras with a trashy image.

Contrary Guy said...

I think they only draw like 10,000 to 15,000 people a game and I don't see that changing until they win which could be never. Werth will not sell any more tickets for them as he is not a marquee player. I don't know where the money is coming from.

This looks like a house of cards to me.