Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Carl Everett

On this date in 2000, the Red Sox signed Carl Everett to a three year contract.

Well it looked good at the time!


Well, now I don't know! Wasn't he talking about dinosaurs and the faked Apollo moon landing before then?

Hey Red Sox! Ever heard of "due diligence"?


ShaneK said...

He is the originator of arguably the greatest nickname in Boston media, “Curly Haired Boyfriend” which stemmed from a discussion between Gordon Edes and Everett where Everett declined an interview stating, that he didn’t talk to Globe reporters, especially “you and your curly haired boyfriend.” The ‘curly haired boyfriend’ that Everett alluded to was none other than pot-stirring Boston Globe journalist, Dan Shaughnessy.

Contrary Guy said...

I wonder if this was before or after Shaughnessy called him "Jurassic Carl" or whatever it was.

Hate to side with Carl but you gotta admit Shaughnessy is pretty freaky looking.