Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Albert might want to work on his sliding

I think that somebody needs to work with Albert Pujols on his sliding.

Obviously when attempting a slide, you are supposed to begin your slide sometime before the base which allows you to "slide" into the bag; hence the term "slide". I do not believe that you are supposed to run as fast as you can and then try to stop on a dime by plopping your body right on the bag leading with your outstretched stiff leg. This does not seem to me to be a very safe maneuver. It also causes your foot to do some unnatural and "hard to watch" things. Further, it also causes the trainer and a panicked Tony Larussa to rush out onto the field to check on your condition; even delaying the game a little.

Obviously Albert has the hitting thing down pat. No remedial measures are needed there. That said, the Cardinals might want to invest in a baserunning coach for Albert so they can work on the "sliding" thing. Start on a "slip and slide" if you need to and go from there.

Just trying to help.

1 comment:

louis said...

Detroit Tigers should be always competitive enough to keep pace with the others. I really like them; they’ve always been my favourite teams in MLB. Just read about them here:
