Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obama's White Sox gear

Of course anybody that has been paying attention has previously seen President Obama in Chicago White Sox gear but now is as good a time as any to say that it is refreshing to see a President not afraid to wear his team on his sleeve for everybody to see. I love it!

Putting politics aside, who would you rather watch a baseball game with? Barack Obama or George W. Bush? Ah heck, throw Dick Cheney in there too.

Thought so.

I do know a few people for whom Obama is the anti-christ and has never done anything right and never will so I am presently waiting for their objections to his conduct last night.


Mark Aubrey said...

I wouldn't mind watching a game with George W. Bush. As previous owner of the Rangers I'm guessing he has some insight to the game that regular fans don't see.

I'd watch it with President Obama as well. Not often does one get to sit for a few hours with a president, current or former. Well, maybe not Taft. I don't think that he'd say much now.

I think, though, that mainly he wore the jacket to help cover up the fact that he was wearing body armor. Precautionary and all that. But, if you're going to have to wear a jacket, yes, show your colors. With pride.

Although I don't agree with all of Mr. Obama's policies, I had no objection to his conduct last evening.

I don't have a widescreen TV, so during the first pitch, it looked to me as if he bounced it there. The announcers said that he got it to Pujols, but I didn't see it.

I didn't follow every word when he was in the broadcast booth, but he seemed relaxed enough.

Mark Aubrey said...

How said is it that my comments are longer than your post? It would seem that I have too much time on my hands.

Contrary Guy said...

Frankly, I will watch a baseball game with anybody. My boys tell me that I seem to make friends at the park.

With regards to the latest Bush, I seem to enjoy myself a bit more conversing with open-minded people and I never really got the impression that he is that way. Of course, I would take any baseball insights that he may have from his time with the Rangers and with any coversation he would be free to change any misconceptions that I may have about him personally.

Thinking back to all of the latest Presidents, all would be ok I guess though with any frank coversation with Nixon, I fear I could be added to his "enemies list".

I heard that they purposely did not show the result of Obama's first pitch in the event that it was not on target and as a way of sparing him any embarrassment. Sounds like (self) censorship to me but as long as nobody in the government demanded that the networks do that, then censor away.

Contrary Guy said...

I tried to make my response lengthier than your response and I do not know if I succeeded. (so to even things up)

I could count the words I guess but time marches on.