Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I think the cigarette companies were asleep at the wheel here

Drew Sharp of the Detroit Free Press reports on nicotine-addicted (my words) Tiger manager, Jim Leyland and the fact that he will have a great difficulty smoking in Comerica Park come May when a new Michigan law mandates no smoking in public areas.

On the Jim Rome radio show yesterday with guest hosts, Drew Sharp and Matt Shepard, Leyland seemed unaware of the ramifications of the law which seems a bit strange as again he is a notorious chain-smoker who appears to be thoroughly addicted to nicotine.

"Is it banned all over?" Leyland asked at which time he was told that Comerica Park would certainly qualify as a public place.

"Really....then I've got a problem," he laughed. "Houston, we've got a problem."

Leyland did say that he would comply with the law but he did seem to put conditions on his compliance.

"I'm not saying that I won't cheat once in a while," he said. "I'm not going to lie."

You know, I am surprised that the cigarette companies did not come to Michigan and fight for a "Jim Leyland exception" to this new law. If Leyland has to curb his constant cigarette smoking in any way, I would think that this could really have a negative affect on their profits.

It would certainly appear to be something worth fighting for but they didn't for some reason.

Too late. Now they're screwed.

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