Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Where are your manners?

Tom Gage of the Detroit News reports the following:

"In a WFAN-New York interview on Friday before a charity roast for Don Zimmer* in Connecticut, Jim Leyland said he got a call from Umpire Randy Marsh "three weeks into the off season" to apologize for missing the one-out pitch with the bases loaded that hit Brandon Inge in the playoff game against Minnesota."

Had the umpires called it, the Tigers would have taken at least a one-run lead into the bottom of the 12th which is where they lost the game to the dreaded Minnesota Twins.**

Hey Jim! Classy people usually keep those personal apology thingies to themselves.

No offense but don't expect any more apologies from umpires.

Just sayin.

*A charity roast for Don Zimmer could go on all night. Just think of the possibilities.

**People around here every year seem to think that the Minnesota Twins have the team of the century that can't possibly be beat for some reason. I have never quite understood this.


night owl said...

I would pay good money, I mean several blasters worth, to attend a Don Zimmer charity roast.

Contrary Guy said...

I hear you. I would probably even sign over stuff from the Million Card Giveaway in order to get in the door.

tastelikedirt said...

"A charity roast for Don Zimmer"

Boy. I'm hearing a lot of Pedro Martinez jokes right about now. I hope Don Rickels will be there.

tastelikedirt said...

...and fat retarded guy jokes too.

tastelikedirt said...

maybe some Jabba the Hut stuff, like you said, it could go on all night.

Anonymous said...

Hey CC - the Twins are loaded this year! It's a given! Might as well not even play the games!