Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jack Morris

When my wife was a teenager, she was driving with a friend in an unfamiliar neighborhood and became lost.

They used the apron of a driveway of a large house to turn around. That house was owned by Jack Morris.

He happened to be outside at the time and told these two young nice ladies to "Get the hell out of here!"

I don't care if Jack Morris gets elected to the Hall of Fame.

(Now I could see if they were driving like a real a big cement truck and cracked the driveway or something but apparently they were just driving a Volvo.)


Mark Aubrey said...

Maybe he doesn't like all things Swedish. You know, Volvos, meatballs, bikini teams...

Contrary Guy said...

I don't think they were coming from the beach.

There are other stories around town about "prickly" Jack so I think he just doesn't like well.........things and people.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised. When he's visiting the Twins' radio booth, he's constantly in "Get off my lawn!" mode.

Bert Blyleven would never do that.